Fitting for Braces and Supports
– The concept of orthopedic bracing is meant to stabilize, support, and protect injuries. Braces and supports can correct biomechanical imbalances, are alternatives to surgical treatment, provide post-operative protection, allow for functional movement and can even help prevent reinjuring the affected area. They come in a multitude of fabrics and materials to provide a range of compression, breathability, and rigidity.
– Right Fit Medical carries a comprehensive selection of over-the-counter bracing, supports, compression socks, and custom knee bracing. They focus on finding the best “product to client” match possible to maximize patient compliance and outcomes.
– They will work in collaboration with your referring health care practitioner and provide one-on-one attention to ensure that the prescribed brace allows for comfortable movement and optimal function & support.
– A member of our staff will have a detailed discussion with you about your specific situation and how using a support brace or other orthotic device will best fit your lifestyle.
– Measurements will be taken